Friday, August 30, 2013

Six Week Stack Photos...

These stacks were taken yesterday in about 15 minutes... I had to be somewhere. These guys did great, IMO. I will take the front, rears, heads and more stacks today in a bit. But here are the pictures from yesterday to tide you over... LOL

Black Girl 1

Liver Girl 2

Black Girl 3

Liver Boy - will hardly stand still so hard to get a photo.

Liver Girl 4

Six Weeks, 1 Day...

 Yea some pictures!
The Black Figs - 6 weeks, 1 day old in their pen.

Liver Girl 2. My mom has been calling her 

I did get puppy stack shots yesterday. I will be putting them up here this morning! Also a few candid photos from this morning. Really grainy on the indoor shots, sorry, it's the iPod. Does not do good in low light.

Anyway... pups are SO good. no pooping in their pen again and minimal peeing when I got up this morning. I open their pen and they promptly run outside to do their business. I am so proud of these little guys. I am just waiting for all heck to break loose, but so far so good!

We spent a bit of time outside this morning while it was cool and they had a great time. Blackie got to see his kids for the first time through the fence and he was so excited, curious to see them. Good boy Black! :)

Liver Boy
Our routine in the morning, is let them outside to run and poop and pee! Let them play and find sticks and stuff to get into. Come back inside. Put the used blanket in the washing machine, put ones from late last night into the dryer. Then I wipe their pen down and a couple of them just LOVE to try to help. Yea right! They grab the cloth with their sharp tiny razor teeth, and pull and run around, while I am trying  to wipe. They are too funny. I have to wipe quick and stay one step ahead of them. Then I put down new papers and new blanket and sprinkle puppy kibble on their blanket and they come running. Then I bring in the puppy saucer full of soaked puppy kibble and they chow down. I then feed Figgy. When she is done, I put her in the pen with the pups and she lets them nurse, a little milk to wash down their cereal. LOL.

Black Girl 3
Black Girl 1
Black Girl 3
Black Girl 1 likes chewing on sticks.
Liver Girl 4
The two black girls

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Six Weeks Old!

The Black Figs are 6 weeks old today. This is a very important day. Time for more stacked pictures and serious evaluations. I am very busy today with a trip into the vet early this morning, and a dental appointment that was supposed to be next week, they had a cancellation and called me in yesterday and then I had to wait so long I had to leave. I hope I can get it over with today... I don't have time for this running in and out of town, plus the gas... it's getting ridiculous. So once I am done with that, I will get busy on the puppy photos. Guess it will be a late night working tonight.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 41...

I have been bad about updating the blog. So sorry. Just SO BUSY it isn't even funny! Pups are now going outside to potty 1st thing in the morning and after feeding. They are still using their newspaper in their pen, but prefer to not go in the pen, and hopefully outside the house! :) They are getting more ornery and more of a mind of their own... where did my sweet obedient babies go?

Playing on the steps on Day 40

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sweet Little Devils...

Okay... it has happened... they are now officially sweet little DEVILS! :) They like to kiss and then bite... and bite your ankles... and hair. They still  mind really well, but they are just so happy, full of life and exuberant! When they get really excited they want to bite, but I keep on saying "OUCH" in my high pitched voice and they usually stop. Adolyn said she read in a Dunbar Puppy book, that the puppies must think, "WOW, these humans are wimps!" since we are always squealing when they bite us... probably so. But they still think we are the best hunters in the world, as we always have food for them. So I guess they will keep us. :)

It is a nice cool morning and I am headed outside to do some chores...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

5 Weeks, 2 Days...

Puppies are now exploring all over the main floor of the house. They like to hang in the kitchen of course, smart babies. Kitchen = FOOD! :) For a few days now I have had Merica, Taffy and Figgy and the pups all together. So far Merica and Taffy just want to stay out of trouble so they curl up on the couch and the pups can't reach them quite yet. Taffy even curled up with her back to the front of the couch, so she wouldn't have to even see them. She's so funny. If I can't see them, they aren't there... LOL.

Black Girl one is the most bite-y at this time, but if I say "OUCH" in a higher pitch voice, she stops and looks at me. She is learning bite inhibition. I think Figgy has already taught them you don't bite on her. She runs a tight ship, without being a tyrant. :) They are all so well behaved and mannerly. Will see if this continues... like I said, usually at 5 weeks... the little wild dog gene gets turned on...

I am going to get them outside to explore, hopefully this afternoon. I will try to get some good pictures.

We had a visitor! Adolyn came to visit us. We played and showed off and then wore ourselves out. No one afraid of the "new" person and all having fun!

I did get them outside for a little bit, they loved it! New things to explore and lots of thing to chew on and eat.... (sticks, leaves, plants, dirt, grass...) Kept Momma Julia really busy! 

Friday, August 23, 2013

5 Weeks, 1 Day...

I was up at 5 a.m. Pottied Figgy and babies, played with them, cleaned pen, and fed them. With a full belly it is time for a nap for them. They are still very sweet and mind very well. Black Girl 3 is very independent and always off by herself somewhere. She is the most adventuresome. She will come when called so she isn't too independent. Liver Boy cracked me up... he is already lifting his left to pee! At 5 WEEKS of age! What a stud! LOL. Pups are all curious about the outside. I almost got them to go outside with Figgy to potty after daylight... getting close to starting potty training. They do not like going at all in their pen, and usually do not poo in there. Good babies. Now just to get them brave about going outside and preliminary potty training will begin. :)

I have a very busy day of WORK again, and MUST mow, but some computer issues came up this morning, so mowing hopefully this evening. I will do 5 week stack photos as soon as my mom gets up from her nap. I hope I can get them to stack as good as they look just standing naturally. So far a bunch of natural stackers, which means well put together puppies.

BAER (Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response) testing needs to be set up. I heard that K-State no longer is offering testing, so I will have to drive to Stillwell, OK to OSU. Darn, a farther drive and longer day for all of us traveling.

Black Girl 1 did come out the front door about a foot. Black Girl 3 just hung at the threshold. I bet tomorrow they are going outside. I could have picked them up and put them outside, but will do that tomorrow for their visitor. :)

YEA! I got the 5 week photo shoot done! I think it took longer editing the photos than it did doing the stack shots. LOL







Thursday, August 22, 2013

5 Weeks Old...

We are 5 weeks old today. You know what they say... they turn into little devils at 5 weeks and you wonder what happened to my sweet little babies? Well they aren't quite mean little ankle biting devils yet. They have livened up and getting into more mischief, wanting to explore more of the house, chewing on the rugs, and blankets on the sofa, and even almost went outside when I was letting Momma Figgy out. I would have coaxed them harder, but I was not dressed for outside the front of my house... LOL So probably tomorrow I will take them outside for a bit but I want to mow the immediate yard first. Tonight I will fill up my gas can, and hit it tomorrow. It is getting high again, and some places a jungle... YIKES.

This should be a photo session day, but I am a bit backlogged at real work, so had to concentrate on that. And yesterday as well, thus no post.

If anyone wants to stop by for a visit, just give me a call and set it up with me. They are ready for visitors! And it is very important that they get to meet new people and well-behaved, respectful kids. I know they have a visitor on Saturday who will stop by. They still sleep alot but take naps and then wake up again.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 33...

I love waking up and changing newspapers, wiping with clorox water, putting down fresh paper and clean blanket... all the while puppies nibling, kissing and generally just wanting to see what "mom" is doing. Then it's put down the puppy saucer full of soaked kibble and it starts all over again... LOL

Puppies are alot of work, but good for the soul... sweeties! It must be a passion, because newspaper bothers my allergies... and so do puppies, but I just cannot resist snuggling and kissing on them... oh well! Soon enough they will begin potty training... but not before it gets MUCH MESSIER first. Figgy is still helping and doing a good job in the whelping pen, but not so much when they get out... then it's my job. I just keep a roll of toilet paper handy and a clorox water rag on standby at all times... LOL

Here are a few more photos I took yesterday...

Black Girl 1

Black Girl 3

Liver Boy

Liver Girl 4

I stacked them on the coffee table. It is lower to the ground and I find it not as scary to them at this age, as the grooming table. Liver Boy was trying to get on the table this morning to see if there was any cheese... they learn quick! Unfortunately looking for cheese on the coffee table may not be appreciated later when they are bigger! LOL

Monday, August 19, 2013

4.5 Weeks Old...

Well darn, I know I wrote a short post for Saturday, but it is missing... I have NO idea what I said... LOL. Things are just blurring together by now. Not only seeing spots, but have a fuzzy brain too.

We took some new stacked photos this morning. Cheese makes them SO excited, still hard to get a perfect photo. They were pushing off with their rears and pawing with their front legs.. Just too much fun trying to get them to actually stay stacked, as many of you know. Been there, done that! So with that said, no I did not get perfect photos, and even in perfect photos people can pick apart any dog if they are so inclined to be that way. Send me any picture of your dog and I can do so as well... So I choose to post what I have, and I can see the good despite not being a perfect photo. The experienced eye knows what to look for and what not to look for at this age.

My comments at 4.5 weeks of age: I love the fronts and angles on these pups! Beautiful. Toplines are looking good. Rears are really strong overall. I only would improve on the 2 Black Girls spotting at this point.

Here are stacked show photos (4.5 weeks remember!)

Black Girl 1
Liver Girl 2
Black Girl 3

Liver Boy
Liver Girl 4

Sunday, August 18, 2013

31 Days old...

Uh oh... They are starting to turn ornery!
Black Girl 1, my snuggle buddy since 2 weeks of age, has started a trend. As I knelt down and leaned over the puppies for morning kisses she started growling, pawing and biting my hair (playing). She then stops and spits out hair with that look on her face.... hair in my mouth,  hair in my mouth, pooey... LOL.

Liver Boy is such a sweeting he always comes to "Baby" or "Puppy" and likes to be petted or picked up and loved on. Typical boy. He has alot of attitude and pressence. Too cute. He's the MALE of the litter... all those sisters.

Black Girl 3 is a big explorer and a bit independent. She is usually off doing her own exploring. She got behind the xpen and beside the HEAVY piano next to the wall. She was crying as she had run into a dead end and was not sure how to get out. I kept on calling "Puppy, Puppy"... until she figured out she had a reverse. It is good for them to get a bit stressed and then resolve the issue themselves. Helps with their cognitive development. Thank GOD she figured it out herself! As I would have had to move the xpen and maybe even that old piano, that is now an anchor in my dining room. If there is a tornado I am betting one could just hide under that piano. I don't think it is going anywhere, ever...

Liver Girl 4 seems a bit softer and maybe a tad stubborn (mind of her own). She reminds me of her mother right now... sweet, but knows what she wants, and will test you to see if you will give in and give it to her.

Liver Girl 2 is outgoing and confident and gets around, but has not gotten stuck anywhere yet.  I keep on confusing her and the Liver Boy at a quick glance.

Friday, August 16, 2013

We are 29 Days....

They sure are active and wanting to explore in both the Dining Room and Living Room now... won't be long and they will be trying to run all over the main floor. They are cute, all come when I say "Babies!" or "Puppies, puppies". They want to eat more and more. Figgy is still cleaning up after them but getting a bit more lax... Fun is starting. This is the age they should be walking on new textures in the house: carpet, hard wood, linoleum, etc... They should have an assortment of toys and stuff to look at, move around and figure out. If they have to crawl around or over something that is good.

I was up at 4:30 a.m..... I have got to get some real sleep or I am going to die. I am usually a 7-8 hour a night sleeper, but this 4 hours each night is catching up to me. I try to take a nap and my mind is too busy... guess I will have to break out a bottle of something and knock myself out... LOL Now why didn't I order that Black Fig Vodka yet? Oh... yea $65 a pint... oh well... I think I have a bit of Fireball in my cupboard. That will either cure ya or kill ya. ha ha... Just joking on the knocking myself out, but I seriously do need some sleep. I am probably drinking too much coffee so will cut that way down.

Each morning I get up, let Fig out to potty, change puppies blanket, new newspapers. Then make their "milkshake" in the blender and pour it into the puppy saucer. While they chow down, I make coffee for me, and potty the other dogs. Now I have everyone trained that 4 a.m. is our start time to the day. Not good. Even my mom got up at 4 a.m. yesterday and then crashed about mid-day. Yes, puppies are a really bad influence...

I did not get to the store for cheese yet, so no knew stacked photos... me bad. Today I was even more of a zombie... not sure where the day went, it is kind of a blur, but I did make cake for my mom for her Bday today, and I cut her hair, so at least was a little productive.

Now how does all of this tie into puppies you say... well darn they have me all messed up right now... just so you know! I just took a shower and couldn't remember if I washed my hair so washed it again.... LOL Sleep deprivation... isn't there a study on that somewhere...

A couple real FUNNIES for the day.... I have one friend that says he is going to wear a hazmat suit to come and visit the puppies... but isn't that usually to protect the person wearing the suit and not the pups? I just heard another friend, saw my post about wearing clothes that do not have germs on them and he said he will just leave his at the gate. LOL, you may have to also be sleep deprived to find this as funny as I did. To surround yourself with friends with a good sense of humor is absolutely priceless...

Here is a photo of them enjoying their puppy milkshake at 29 days old...